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작성자허들러 조회 8회 작성일 2021-10-27 13:58:01 댓글 0


남자윤곽수술 전 필수시청! 남자가 안면윤곽하면 여자처럼 된다? [티에스성형외과]

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남자들도 #윤곽수술 에 관심이 많다는데 그거 알아요?\r
#남자윤곽수술 은 #여자윤곽수술과 다르대요! \r

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지금 티에스tv에서 확인하세요!\r

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궁금하신 점은 티에스로 바로 연락주세요!\r
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찬열 BACKING : 남자는 좀 각이 있어야 매력 있음.... 연예인만봐도... 광대든 귀밑각이든 좀 매력있게 있어야함....
영. : 남자 광대 수술 고정법 중에 플레이트로만 고정시키면 고정력이 떨어지나요?
飛田新地飛田新地料理組合 : 유인에 낚이면 댓가도 본인책임
괴력남 : 저는 남자인데 만약 한다면 각지게 하고싶지는 않다고 생각하네요
다이빙 : 남자랑여자 턱수술틀리나요 ?긴곡선으로남자 턱끝까지짜르나요?

[노트성형외과] 안면윤곽_ 남자 윤곽수술의 모든것

#안면윤곽 #윤곽3종 #유지한원장
성형외과 전문의 19년차! 안면윤곽 전담의 19년차!
유지한 원장님께서 콕콕 찝어 설명해주는 남자 윤곽 수술의 모든 것!

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금수저 : 원장님 혹시 옛날에 아이디병원?아니면 리젠 성형외과 계시지않았나요??눈 전문으로 하셨던...아닌가

진짜 너무 아팠어요 ㅠ 광대+턱 안면윤곽 리얼 후기 (상담, 수술, 통증, 붓기, 부작용 등 리얼하게 보여드립니다)

매우 떨리고 흥분되었던 안면윤곽 수술!!

사실 눈/코보다 평소에 좀 거슬리던게 턱이었는데
드디어 턱을 부수고 왔습니다.

광대랑 턱 2군데 진행했습니다
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얼굴이 작아진게 확실히 느껴지네요

안면윤곽 수술 리얼 후기 (상담, 수술, 통증, 붓기, 부작용 등)
최대한 리얼하게 전해드립니다

수술하실 분은 꼭 영상을 보시고 수술하세요

그동안 대충만 알고 자세히는 몰랐던 안면윤곽!!

함께 보시죠
렛쓰고 (~.~)/

닥뀨 블로그

톡스앤필 노원점 홈페이지

톡스앤필 노원점 카카오톡 문의

#성형후기 #안면윤곽 #3주차후기
귄 있음 : ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ중간중간 재밌는 포인트들이 많아 재밌게 봤어용
부은거 귀여..우셨네요
고주망태 : 이래서 윤곽이 중요한가봐요 인상이 완전 세련되게 바뀌셨어요!
Tiago T : Hi, how are you? I wish that was not true, but I believe that whenever you move your nose and change it through surgery, such as rhinoplasty, and other plastic or orthopedic surgeries, the nose and its structures will get worse, weaker, will never be the same as they were before. The nose will now always have the tendency to sink one or more parts of the cartilage or bone structures in which they move or saw or chisel. Among the various divisions of bones and cartilage that exist in the nose, in which they move. When they break the bone or cartilage in a very violent way as an adult, either because the bone or cartilage cells become weaker afterwards, or with less blood supply at the site, or even because of the type of cut they make in surgery, the bone or cartilage does not get loose, but sometimes it slides, and almost always inwards, because of the pressure that the skin and muscles put on its region, or even because the nose anatomy has this tendency and other parts of the body too. Because the bone and cartilage structures become weak and give way, they don't stick together as before. I read about it in an anatomy book that I studied, in the part that talks about bones and cartilage. The more you move, the worse it is, as these body structures become weaker. You can end up losing your nose if you operate it a lot, just like Michel Jackson. He's already been there. I'm also going through this, but in my case, I made the mistake of operating the heel, to correct flat feet. They touched a part that has nothing to do with the problem, which is muscle and tendons a little loose. I needed to strengthen the musculature, not do an osteotomy on the heel bone. And I am still suffering because of that. I had the surgery in 2009. In addition to the surrounding nerves, where they move, sink, along with the nose or the osteotomy that the person due to unhappiness has done, change and you only feel bad things in the region afterwards. In the sensitive part of the nerves. They never look the same again, they get worse. Be careful, and do not do these surgeries where you have osteotomies, these surgeries are just wasted time and headaches. There is no such thing as perfection in this world. And the more we move on a part of the body to change it, and look different from the natural way, with surgeries, the more imperfect we become. It gets worse. Do not do these surgeries, you will have health problems for the rest of your life. Health is very important, believe me. I believe that not even doctors know this, only those who go through it are you know. You can see that they themselves do not operate their nose. They know the theory of how to operate, but once operated, how people get, they don't know. I know this because I heard several complaints from people who made them and even though the surgery was considered '' a success '', they did not like the result and said that if they could go back, they would never have done this surgery and from my own personal experience, in that moved the back of my heel, inward, to make a '' curve in the foot '' and now my step is as crooked as it was and it is bending my whole leg and hip, just like the heel where they moved and the sensitivity the heel was horrible. There are mistakes in medicine, just as there are mistakes in any other profession. And these surgeries are a medical error, it was not even supposed to exist, because of so many complaints they receive. I think they just haven't banned it yet because of the money they earn from them, the basis of harming the health of others. Not all doctors are like that, but most are unfortunately. That is why so many people who do rhinoplasty have a crooked nose afterwards. It is not that the person hit him somewhere during recovery from the surgery, but that the bones where they cut become weak, and slide down afterwards, leaving him crooked. Look at the headache that the person has been getting for the rest of his life. A hug .
유리알 : 이렇게 괜찮아 보여지는 얼굴도 하시는구나..나는 저 모습이 수술 후 얼굴인줄 ~ 얼마나 더 잘생겨지실지 용기대단쓰
a million dreams : 와우 진쨔 리얼해서 조탕 ㅎㅎ




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