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작성자라니 조회 53회 작성일 2020-06-02 16:54:48 댓글 0


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김창용 : 좋은 정보 감사요^^


[Anchor Lead]
President Moon Jae-in Monday convened another emergency economic meeting to discuss a third supplementary budget plan as well as economic policy directions for the second half of this year. The government plans to draw up a record supplementary budget of over 30 trillion won which will be submitted to parliament on Thursday.
​"The government will place top priority in overcoming the economic crisis and employ all possible financial means to achieve this goal." That's coming from President Moon Jae-in, during an emergency economic meeting--the first one he chaired in 40 days.
[Soundbite] PRES. MOON JAE-IN : "We must help the economy quickly recover and rebound in the second half of this year. We should establish an economic foundation to help the nation become a leading economy in the post-COVID-19 era."
Regarding the third extra budget, the South Korean leader unveiled a plan to first expand a loan guarantee fund to provide emergency financial support of ten trillion won to small-sized businesses. He also announced a goal of creating 550,000 jobs. The government will also support the nation's flagship industries and businesses by creating a fund worth nearly 40 trillion won. It also plans to provide subsidies to some 580,000 more workers who have to go on unpaid leave due to their employers' management difficulties. Currently, 1-point-1-3 million employees are receiving the assistance. Other welfare projects include the installment of Wi-Fi systems in 41,000 public places and providing free flu vaccines to a greater number of people.

[Soundbite] PRES. MOON JAE-IN : "Despite the third extra budget, South Korea will still see its national debt to GDP ratio grow at a far lower rate than those of other leading countries."

The new supplementary budget will likely surpass 30 trillion won, which is greater than the combined amount of the previous two. The ruling Democratic Party and the government aim to submit the proposal to the Natio




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